Monday, June 24, 2013

Lazarus - Worship Art at Big House Church

Acrylic on Canvas 24" x 48"

This painting is based on my walk with God as He heals and perfects us. It was inspired by a prophetic word and the story of Lazarus.

The base is full white,  representing God's original intent, the plan of creation prior to the fall. It is my soul, my spirit if I had fulfilled God's will, kept His commands and never sinned.

The colors I add are my flaws, hurts, imperfections, failings and my sins. As I go on, when the time is right, God brings healing.
The strips of paper are bandages, representing His loving touch, His gentle correction, His healing.  His timing is not usually my timing, but He is never too early and never too late.

Lazarus Bound - before removing bandages
The last bit of the painting is death. By the time I get to the center, moving in from the edges, the center is a mess. So I cover it completely in thick white paint, just as Christ clothes us in His righteousness when we come into His Kingdom.

The final act is the removal of the bandages, where God takes us through every pain and hurt and sin and shows us how He covered them. But more He shows us how He used them, and how they have been changed from ashes to beauty, from sorrow to joy, from darkness to light everlasting. That all together, seen now from His Kingdom, they are beautiful.

Lazarus Alive - after removing bandages

The final glory of my life is the careful work of His hands through peace, love, patience and time; and His work is beautiful mastery; my soul is becoming His personal, intimate treasure. I am the pearl of great price, worthy of unimaginable sacrifice - the endurance of sin and shame for my sake. The ultimate, fantastic and terrible condescension is when God become man to die for me. The Maker and Creator,  the Great Artist choose sin and shame and hurt and pain and suffering as His media. He chooses them for my sake, not because they make good materials, but because He really wants to be with me. 

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