Monday, July 1, 2013

Evening and Morning

Day 1 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

New stars being born in the Elephant's Trunk NebulaGod makes the universe, light, H, He, Li (trace), stars, supernovae, heavier elements, more stars, generations of stars forming, condensing, shining, exploding. 

Right after it starts, the universe was a hot, dense plasma of photons, electrons, and protons. It expanded and cooled. Recombination, that is the formation of Hydrogen and Helium from electrons and protons was favored. Dust was made.

God said. So it goes.

But first, before the word, will. An imagination, the imagination holds the image in the mind and desires it. Desire becomes will. As the will becomes a thing becomes response to action to the word. When His Desire becomes Will becomes Command, spoken, a thing there was made ready. The singularity was there to answer it and obey. 

The need for a thing makes it so and in the infinite space at utterance the singularity became, was made to be, was all in a handful of dust. 


The singularity. An image imagined. Infinite instant of being. Potential. Ready. Most of all ready.

God said.

Potential --> real. Pours from no time and no space. From no dimension god-like energy expands, becomes the universe, becomes time, becomes space, becomes things-and-us.

At the first instant of time and space the universe is extremely hot and dense and expands fast. After the initial expansion, the Universe cools enough to allow energy to convert to subatomic particles, some proton, neutron, electron plasma. 

A hot, dense plasma of photons, electrons, and protons is opaque to electromagnetic radiation. The distance each photon travels before hitting stop at a charged particle is very short. There is not yet light that goes.

expand|cool|expand|cool|expand|cool| --> pop

The universe expanded and thus, it cools. Eventually, the universe cools enough and the formation of neutral hydrogen and helium are energetically favored. Recombination. 

Recombination. The first elements. The plasma produces hydrogen, and trace helium and tracer lithium [dust]. Giant clouds of these primordial elements later coalesce through gravity to form stars and galaxies, and all heavier elements are synthesized within stars or during supernovae. From dust were ye made and dust ye shall be and dust is forged in the heart of stars and we are creations forged in light.

Shortly after Recombination, photons decouple from matter in the universe. Once photons decouple from matter, they travel freely through the universe without interacting with matter, and constitute what we observe today as cosmic microwave background radiation. 

Light is the first herald of His Will and has come to us ever since. We see the cosmic microwave background radiation. It is a map of the universe the instant the light escaped the turmoil of being. We see the moment of its release, but not its making. We can't. We won't.

But by God it was good.

Thanks to RadioLab and Jenny Howell's story "A History of Everything, Including You" which is wonderful, beautiful. This story is less story than song. It transcends. You can hear it here.

I hope she finds the answer she is looking for. I can't believe it, but I do, and it has made all the difference. 

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