Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On the Beginning of All Things - Preamble

In which I get a few things out of the way, so no one is confused by my coming ramblings. 

The two main reasons I started this blog were to share my worship art and to get an awful lot of thinking done about the intersection of science and religion as it applies to the Book of Genesis. There will be other posts about other things, but these are my foci and by committing to writing about them I hope to clear the muddy waters of my thought through the wonder of organizing that wild animal into the bars and lines of electric script. You, my silly reader, if you are there, have been warned: This is not about you. This is for me.

So you are warned and I feel now rightly unburdened and untroubled and plan to spill my jumbles in this public forum fully released of conscience and thankful for our quiet agreement to tolerate my sensibilities. I have enough material and thought to keep going for months and plan to do so.Whether or not you are there, there is some enjoyment in this for me, so if you are there you may rest assured I will keep doing this and won't leave you hanging because I too am hanging and want to get down before life and circumstance overtake this good thing I've got going. 

When I am done, I may go on, and I may not. In the meanwhile, seeing as you are still here and have some little faith in me to have gone this far I may as well let you know I think what I have to say is actually going to be good and interesting and I will want to hear from you.

 Comments will be answered at some point, so leave them. 

More specifically on Science and Genesis, I am not satisfied with any reconciliation or rejection presented by either side of the debate between skeptics and scripture. There has been no acceptable logical synthesis of mankind's knowledges, those from reason and from revelation. I am vexed that our observations prove the Universe is very old indeed, and that this Earth did not experience a universal flood that covered the mountains, and yet they are related clearly in the Bible, which in every aspect is wonderfully dense and interconnected and true and beautiful in a way that is no accident, and that everything in it has been testified by magnificent power to me, such that my belief in its veracity is beyond doubt, and also that this gift is clearly not given and/or received by every man.

The posts whose titles begin "Of the Beginning of All Things  will present what I hope to be some logical approach to this subject. So...coming soon...see you then.

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